15 Farewell Messages for Colleagues or Coworkers

Category: Thank Yous

Last updated, November 1, 2022

As we move through the seasons of life, it’s nice to know that we have made a positive impact on those we are leaving behind. When the time comes for wishing a coworker farewell, it’s important to show your appreciation with a kind word of thanks. Whether that is retirement, a new job, or transitioning as a stay-at-home parent, show your encouragement through a thoughtful farewell card message. 

Sometimes, it’s hard to articulate what you’re trying to communicate in writing a farewell card message. In other instances, especially within large companies, you may have never even had a conversation with the person you’re bidding adieu

No need to fear! Keep reading to learn some ways to bid farewell to a coworker.

Tips for Bidding Goodbye to a Coworker

When possible, choose a handwritten message over messaging a personal email address. In a world that feels overrun with emails, texts, and instant messages, an old-school farewell letter cuts through the noise and makes an impact, especially in a touching farewell message to colleagues.

Be sincere. It’s easy to say things you don’t mean if you think you’ll never see the person again. If you don’t actually want to keep in touch, don’t say that you do. It can lead to avoidable awkward situations later. 

Keep your relationship dynamics in mind. Calling your boss “pal” or “buddy” or signing the card off “with love” when the relationship is strictly professional can make them feel a little uncomfortable. 

Don’t say anything in an office-wide card that you wouldn’t want others to see. You might think that your message is safely tucked away in a corner, but people often glance at what other people wrote for inspiration. Be careful with your words. 

Share specifics if you have a story to tell. Doing so shows your coworker that their presence in the office was meaningful. Something as simple as “You make killer banana bread. Thanks for always sharing!” is enough. 

Lastly, make sure to keep on topic. The goal here is to make your coworker feel like you are going to miss them, not to send them a get well card.

In a world that feels overrun with emails, texts, and instant messages, a handwritten farewell card cuts through the noise and makes an impact.

15 Farewell Card Messages for Coworkers

No matter what is causing your hesitation, heartfelt farewell notes are invaluable social currency. It makes the sender feel a sense of closure and lets your colleague know that you care. Are you wondering how to skip all the awkwardness and get straight to the sentiment? Read on!

1. A Sincere Thanks for a Solid Working Relationship

Not everyone in the office will end up being your “work bestie,” but that doesn’t mean that they didn’t contribute to the company’s overall function. Even if your relationship is limited to small talk while you’re grabbing coffee, you can still say send them a farewell message.

“[Name], I will always value the work and optimism you brought to our division every day. I hope your next break room buddy knows how lucky they are to have you!”

2. Appreciation for a Small Kindness That Stuck with You

Whether it was offering to grab you a coffee from the corner café or always sticking their head in your cubicle to make sure you remembered a meeting, some coworkers make a good impression . Some small kindness that makes the working day feel a bit easier. 

Please know that I appreciate the way that you always checked in to make sure I didn’t miss the Wednesday meeting (again). Your kindness will stay with me long after you transition to your new position. Thank you again for the sweet memories!”

3. Best Wishes for Future Endeavors

While it might seem pretty generic, best wishes stand out if you put a little thought behind it. Take the time to find out what company or position they’re moving to and craft a sincere goodbye

Best wishes to you! I have all the confidence in the world that you’ll make an incredible director of nursing. Littleton Memorial made the right choice when they chose you for the role. Best of luck in all your future endeavors!”

4. Sad to See You Go

Saying goodbye can be heart-wrenching, especially if the person leaving is someone you’ve grown close to. Let them know that you’re sad to see them go, but also clarify that you’re happy that they are pursuing this new opportunity. 

While I’m sincerely sad that I won’t see you around the office anymore, I’m delighted that someone so deserving has the opportunity to pursue a management position. I’ll try not to miss you too much, but no promises.”

5. To a Helpful Team Member 

Working on a team naturally develops relationships, both personally and professionally. If a project team member is leaving, mention their contributions to the team’s work and how they helped make meaningful progress towards the overarching goal. 

“You are an invaluable team member and a dear friend. Your work on landing the Anderson account set the tone for our group, and your legacy as a tenacious, dynamic coworker will live on long after your retirement. Thank you for being a key part of such a wonderful group.”

6. Offer to Be a Reference

Resignations don’t always come with a plan for future job prospects. If you feel like you could speak to someone’s talents and skills in the workplace, you can offer to be a reference on their applications. 

Follow through by sending a letter of reference and preferred contact information via email. 

I understand that the future is uncertain right now, but with your skillset, I am certain your future job search will be very fruitful. I’m more than happy to provide a peer reference to help you on your journey.”

7. Enjoy Your Retirement!

Retirement is an exciting time and something that many employees look forward to following years of service. Send a humorous salutation expressing your jealousy of their new laidback lifestyle. 

[Name], don’t forget to relax during your retirement. You’ve earned a little R&R, so enjoy it for the rest of us who are still toiling away here!”

8. To a Fantastic Mentor 

Is the person leaving someone who impacted you as a mentor? Let them know that they made a difference in your life! Be specific about the skills they helped you develop, as well as the ways you’ve grown because of their mentorship. 

Your patience and guidance when I was a newbie truly changed the way that I see myself. Without your constant reassurance that I could handle even the most challenging clients, I would not have made it this far in my career. Cheers to an incredible mentor!”

9. Short and Sweet

Not every farewell card message has to be deeply meaningful. At times, just saying goodbye is appropriate, as long as you avoid sounding curt. 

To a wonderful colleague, farewell and good luck!” 

10. Let’s Keep in Touch

If you’re interested in continuing your friendship outside of the office, it’s nice to let the departing coworker know in your farewell card message. Just be cautious about including your cell phone number in a card that the entire office passes around. 

“I’d love to keep in touch after you leave. Let’s grab a drink after work sometime so that you can tell me all about the new job. My treat!”

11. It’s Been a Privilege

When you feel like it was a stroke of luck to have had the opportunity to work alongside someone, that’s something worth sharing! For your best last day message to colleagues, write about what it was about them that made it such a pleasant experience.

It was a privilege to work alongside someone who always had a kind word and a smile for anyone who needed a pick-me-up. Thank you! We will all miss you so much!”

12. Welcome to Parenthood

The shift from work to parenthood is enormous, and it can often be an overwhelming experience, especially if it’s their first child. If it’s a personal card, as opposed to office-wide, you can include a small gift to help them in their transition. 

13. Remember That One Time?

Inside jokes are a cherished memory between friends. Remind your work pal of a shared moment between you that will always bring a smile to your face. 

Cheesecake? More like beescake! Your new coworkers better appreciate your puns, or I’ll be sending a strongly worded letter. Miss you already, buddy!”

14. Goodbye to the Boss

Great bosses make even the most challenging jobs feel more fulfilling and achievable. Depending on your level of familiarity with the person in charge, you can change the formality of the message to align with the norms of your working relationship. 

Let me know if a spot opens up on your new team. I’d be more than happy to join you- After my mandatory two-week notice and formalized resignation letter, of course. Regardless, you have a bright future ahead.”

15. When in Doubt, Use a Quote

Still don’t know the right way to express how you feel about your colleague‘s exit? Then use someone else’s co worker leaving quotes! A quote or lyrics can come in handy when words escape you. 

There are hundreds of famous farewell notes and farewell quotes available online. If you and your coworker shared a particular interest, whether a shared love for a show, actor, or writer, try to personalize your message by tracking down a quote that incorporates this interest.

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Send Cards Online with Handwrytten in Minutes

Do you feel as if you have terrible handwriting? Are you in a predicament where you have no time in your busy schedule to make it to the post office? No problem!

You can send a handwritten farewell card to a coworker from the comfort of your phone with the free Handwrytten app. We offer a large selection of cards to express your best wishes to your coworkers, family, or friends, so you can send a thoughtful, tangible goodbye without ever needing to lick an envelope or leave your seat. 

Choose from our cards design or your own.

Over 100 designs to choose from or design your own. Our online card customizer makes it simple.

Check Out Our Cards!

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