Create Order
Add prospecting campaign order to basket. Use Send Basket
call to submit all orders in basket for processing.
Request Body |
address stringStreet address to serve as a central point for prospecting search. |
city stringFormat: |
zip stringPostal code |
country string
radius integerSearch radius in miles from the central point. |
latitude stringLatitude to serve as a central point for prospecting search. If not using latitude and longitude, set them to |
longitude stringLongtitude to serve as a central point for prospecting search. If not using latitude and longitude, set them to |
mask booleanIf no data was found at the address, try searching by geodata |
ownRent-d stringHome ownership for residential search.
If you want to use multiple values, use dash to separate them, for example: |
hinc-d stringHousehold income for residential search.
If you want to use multiple values, use dash to separate them, for example: |
worth-d stringNet worth for residential search.
If you want to use multiple values, use dash to separate them, for example: |
Home-d stringHome value for residential search.
If you want to use multiple values, use dash to separate them, for example: |
resLen-d stringLength of residency for residential search.
If you want to use multiple values, use dash to separate them, for example: |
hAge stringHousehold age for residential search.
If you want to use multiple values, use dash to separate them, for example: |
people stringPeople in household for residential search.
If you want to use multiple values, use dash to separate them, for example: |
kids stringChildren in household for residential search.
If you want to use multiple values, use dash to separate them, for example: |
marital stringMartial status for residential search.
If you want to use multiple values, use dash to separate them, for example: |
card_id integer — REQUIREDID of card |
insert_id integerID of the insert |
message string — REQUIREDHandwrytten message on the card |
wishes stringHandwrytten signoff on the card |
signature_id integerID of the custom signature |
signature2_id integerID of the custom signature #2 |
search_value stringSearch value |
must_deliver_by stringFormat: |
records integer — REQUIREDNumber of cards to send |
return_address_id integer — REQUIREDID of the return address |
shipping_address_id integerID of the shipping address |
shipping_method_id integerPossible values: [ Shipping method.
shipping_rate_id integerPossible values: [ Shipping rate.
font string — REQUIREDHandwryting font slug |
font_size integerFont size |
Responses | ||||
200 OK
| ||||
400 Bad Request
| ||||
440 Login Timeout